It is almost time for your living reincarnations, "your children" to graduate from college and step into the responsibilities of securing a job, selecting insurance, signing up for their 401k accounts, and possibly moving out from under your watchful eye of protection. Although you may have been preparing them for life and the transition into adulthood, it is a good idea to tie up those loose ends and reiterate those golden nuggets that will make it easier for you to hand over the reigns.
I know for me and my husband, we are in the midst of sending our last young adult on her journey in May. Though we have been an instrumental source of many necessities and desires for our daughter, we have noticed that she has become nervous about true independence. This world looks much different than it once did with the fast-paced technology and AI expanding into many areas of life. Yes, our children choose majors in the areas they strongly feel they initially desired, but we must explain that sometimes, evolution occurs and what we once loved can turn into the very thing we begin to loathe.
We explained, "you will also find out that your life will expand beyond the focus of your career and your path may either grow a branch to extend your choice to be inclusive of this new found revelation or you may sever ties with your initial first choice and grow leaves on the new branch.
We have taken the approach, as parents, to take our children on trips to advance their cultural experiences. However, traveling to areas that are indeed beautiful, packed with many excursions and activities, it never seemed to be the right setting to relax, relate and release, as the character "Whitley Gilbert" would say. We enjoyed our vacation to the fullest, but those conversations seemed too intrusive in the small spaces of a hotel room. After going out to see all that we could, we were exhausted and we did not want to short change the opportunity to have a substantive conversation that would also allow her to ask the questions that would guide her.
One day, my husband and I went to an "RV Expo" and I began to see pamphlets that showed mountains, parks and cabins. I picked up a number of them and began looking into trips in these areas that would be perfect for us as a family to spread out and listen to the water, look at the blue skies from the deck, become one with nature and simply veg out. This prompted me to not only take advantage of this opportunity to tie up loose ends with our soon to be graduate, but also do the same with our oldest children who are already living independently to help advance them to their next journey of life.
If you are stressing over the same things I have heard many parents speak of, then I am going to do you a favor and add "Cabin Retreat" options that may be right for you and your family. It could be the perfect opportunity for a specific group of people you want to grow stronger bonds with, such a sorority or fraternity sister or brotherhoods. It may be a mediation or spiritual opportunity to become closer to self or a higher power. No matter your reasoning, take advantage of: "LIVING THIS LIFE, TO DIE A GOOD DEATH!"